John C. Dvorak: I found a lot of valuable information in this native ad on NBC, which I didn’t even realize they did. Here’s today’s tip: the hidden power of plastic perks and benefits.
“Many credit card holders don’t realize they have ways to get refunds and services without extra charges, saving money in the process. NBC’s Jolene Kent explains.
As you use your credit card this holiday season, you should know it may offer hidden benefits that can save you big money in a pinch. Lauren Bergman, for example, was in a tough spot when her car broke down. She called the number on the back of her American Express card as a last resort, and they sent a tow truck free of charge. “I never in a million years would have imagined that my credit card could do all the things that it could do, and that they would be my saving grace,” Bergman said.
When she later dropped and shattered her iPhone after her Apple warranty had expired, her card provided a 100% refund. Many popular credit cards offer these little-known benefits. A recent survey found that 81% of credit cards offer extended warranties, 57% provide purchase protection (reimbursing you for lost, stolen, or damaged items), 47% offer price protection (refunding the difference if the price drops within a set period), and 26% guarantee returns even when stores don’t.
These benefits could save you hundreds of dollars each year. Perks range from roadside assistance to paying for a hotel if you miss your flight due to weather. However, exclusions usually apply, such as cars, jewelry, medical equipment, and computer software. Experts recommend calling your card company or checking online to discover the perks you might be missing.
Jolene Kent, NBC News, New York.”
So, that’s the tip of the day!