John C. Dvorak: This tip was provided by Mimi. It’s the Tevlaphee and it’s like 90 bucks.
Adam Curry: Is this for Mimi’s motorcycle?
John C. Dvorak: It’s a Boston boot, and you can put it on your car. She has a driving mower that she leaves outside, and she was worried someone could just jump on, start it up, and drive off. So, she found this Boston boot.
Adam Curry: Like the boot they put on car wheels?
John C. Dvorak: Exactly! You put this on the wheel so it can’t be driven off. If someone tried to peel out with it, it’d just ruin the wheel. It’s a good deterrent.
Adam Curry: I get it for the lawnmower, definitely!
John C. Dvorak: Yeah, it’s great for outdoor equipment that’s easy to drive off. Just put this on, and you won’t have to worry about it.