Adam Curry: Here’s a here’s a trick I do. And here’s something I advise to you that will make you feel much better and probably not get you in jail when you’re at the airport. Now, typically, this is what I find. It’s in the States. It happens a lot. But it was happening at Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport, the security personnel, so that would be TSA in the States, they bark at you. And they bark commands and they know and it’s just it’s a very, it’s offensive the way it comes across. I’ve learned that if you speak to them in an exam, and it’s not easy to do, because you got to practice but if they speak if you speak back at them in exactly the same tone and volume as they’re speaking to you, it really sets them back.
And and so what so you know, I have a look my little computer bag, there’s no computer in it. It’s actually only a netbook would fit into it, but I kind of like it so I just put my passport and stuff in there. And I put it on the on the X ray belt. And and this this woman who was just been barking would like take your laptop out. And I went no laptop in there. And she went when you could see her like step back Three steps. And, and she’s like, What is what do we do? And my wife actually stepchange she says, You are just rude. You’re just barking at people. Why do you do that? Why do you have to bark at people just talk to them in a civil tone of voice.
ButI’ve started doing this. And it’s a lot of fun. You know, the people that, that have little plastic baggies that have these at Heathrow, they have yellow shirts on. And they have plastic bags. And this is where you’re supposed to put your liquids in there. And they’re literally like, Do you have any liquids? Do you need a plastic bag? And and I can’t help myself like, No, I don’t, I do not need a product binding, no liquids. And you can see that they’re freaked out. And some of them actually realise crap, you know, I’m talking like a fucking idiot. So anyway, that’s a tip of the day.