Too Many Eggs - the most comprehensive book on egg cookery ever written.

Peter McCullough Protocol

Peter McCullough Protocol

John C. Dvorak: One thing that makes me uncomfortable about the show is discussing vaccines, particularly the COVID mRNA shot, knowing that at least half of our audience has received it.

Adam Curry: Okay, fair enough.

John C. Dvorak: Peter McCullough has a protocol for addressing the aftereffects of the shot. We’ve touched on it before but never fully discussed it. I’ve decided to link to it, so my tip for those who have had the shot is to check out the protocol and read about it. It’s easy to find online. You can visit to access it.

Adam Curry: Excellent! You produced something good there.

John C. Dvorak: Yes, I did! Go there and take a look. I think the protocol sounds promising. McCullough developed it, and I believe it’s something people should be aware of.

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