John: “If you dont have insurance: Call up the medical facility and ask for the cash rate. They may push back, but most will provide you with a charge that is reasonable. In many cases even lower than you would have to pay WITH your insurance plan. We’ve talked about this in great detail on the show.
About how they jack it up and you get all these phoney numbers and then what you pay is even more than anybody pays. But if you go for the cash rate it might actually be cheaper.”
“The real tip is: you must say that you don’t have insurance coverage, or else they would be obligated to charge you the insurance rates”.
Adam: “This is exactly what Crowdhealth does – this is what Tina has. I think she pays $200 a month. Anything under $500 she pays for herself. Anything over that she submits it to them (it’s not an insurance plan, but more like a layaway plan) and then they go to the doctor, hospital etc. and they say “hey – no insurance” and they negotiate the cash price. And then they crowdfund it from the money they already have. That’s why it’s called Crowdhealth. It’s very good. She’s had a lot of success with it. Send her an email and she’ll send you a coupon!”