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National Monument to the Forefathers

National Monument to the Forefathers

Adam Curry: We watched this documentary called Monumental, and it’s about a monument in Plymouth. Plymouth is, of course, best known for Plymouth Rock, and when people visit, they go to see the rock. But, believe me, it’s the biggest disappointment you’ll ever see. It’s just a rock! And when you read the plaque, it’s not even the real rock—it’s a fake. They’ve built this big monument around it, and people throw pennies on it for good luck. It’s kind of ridiculous. It’s a dumb rock.

We also visited the replica of the Mayflower, which actually sails. But the real thing to see is the National Monument to the Forefathers. I had never heard of this monument. It’s about a mile from Plymouth Rock, and it’s the largest granite structure in the United States. For all intents and purposes, it’s the true “Georgia Guidestone” of the U.S. It was completed in 1889 after taking 50 years to build, partly due to a war.

The monument represents the key elements of the U.S.: morality, law, liberty, and education. And when you see it, you’ll wonder why you’ve never heard of it before.

John C. Dvorak: I’m the educated one here, and even I had never heard of it. When you told me you were going to see it, I looked it up. It’s really cool!

Adam Curry: Yeah, it’s right in the middle of a residential area. No T-shirt stands, no tourist traps—just the monument.

John C. Dvorak: I’ve gotta go see it.

Adam Curry: Definitely. If you’re going to visit Plymouth Rock, sure, get your T-shirt, but then head to the National Monument to the Forefathers. It’s an incredible educational experience.

John C. Dvorak: It looks amazing.

Adam Curry: It’s huge. You can walk around, touch it—there are no ropes or barriers, and almost no one is there. It’s like a hidden gem.

John C. Dvorak: Nobody knows about it.

Adam Curry: It’s like they want to keep it a secret, so people don’t learn about the four principles that made America great.

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