John C. Dvorak: “I’m going to plug a book called Might of the Chain. I have to admit, I don’t like the title, but the book itself is fantastic. The full title is Might of the Chain: Forging Leaders of Iron Integrity. I’m not a fan of the subtitle either, but the content is what matters, and it’s excellent.
The author is Mike Studeman, a retired Rear Admiral who now works as a National Security Fellow at MITRE. This book is outrageously interesting. In fact, it has a blurb from Henry Kissinger that says, ‘Thoughtful and engaging.’ At first, I thought it might be one of those generic blurbs. I used to work with John Brockman, a New York literary agent, who told me how author Alan Watts would write blurbs for anyone without hesitation. So, I assumed Kissinger’s endorsement might be one of those. But no, this book truly is one of the most thoughtful and engaging reads I’ve come across in years.
If you’re a business manager, someone aspiring to get into management, or in the military, this book is packed with valuable insights about leadership. It’s like a meta-tip—it’s that good. I highly recommend it. Again, it’s called Might of the Chain by Mike Studeman. Grab a copy if you’re looking for something worthwhile to read.”
Adam Curry: “Wow, a reading tip! That doesn’t happen often.”