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Liquid Death

Liquid Death
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John: One of our producers mentioned that I was drinking the wrong stuff. He suggested I try a sparkling water called Liquid Death.

Adam: Dave Jones was drinking this for a while. All the kids are drinking it.

John: At a dinner with Brennan and Jay, I saw the Liquid Death cans and thought, “Who in their right mind would buy a product called Liquid Death? It just sounds like a bad idea.”

Brennan explained it to me, and his reasoning was so good that I had to share it as a tip of the day.

First, it comes in a large 16-ounce can, much bigger than a typical can of sparkling water. It looks like a beer. At cocktail parties, you can hold this can that says “Liquid Death,” drink it like a beer, and look cool. It’s better than just holding a regular sparkling water.

It’s a cocktail party gag, really.

Adam: From what I read in the troll room, Liquid Death is a huge sponsor on podcasts that accept advertising.

John: The producer who sent it might work for the company—I don’t know—but I suspect it’s possible. So, they’re getting free advertising from me. But to be clear, our recommendations are always sincere, not based on payment!

That said, after this, I expect the Liquid Death team to send us a few more cases!

By the way, the sparkling water is good—nice medium-sized bubbles.

Adam: Man, we got duped again, Dvorak. We keep missing the boat on this stuff. You know why? Because we’re here to provide a service—a public service.

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