Too Many Eggs - the most comprehensive book on egg cookery ever written.



John C. Dvorak: Now, I want to bring up another product that everyone should have. It’s an old product that I’ve been promoting for at least 30 years, and it’s called IrfanView. It’s an image viewer and minor editor—you can do some basic editing, but nothing major.

Adam Curry: Does it work only on Windows?

John C. Dvorak: I believe it’s only for Windows, but I’m not entirely sure. Regardless, IrfanView is a fantastic product, and you should definitely get the plugins for it. It can open legacy digital files, including KDF files, which many systems refuse to open.

KDF stands for Kodak Digital Format. In the early days of digital photography, Kodak was a leading company that developed sensors. They incorporated some of these sensors into Nikons before introducing their own cameras and the KDF format. You won’t find much information about KDF anymore since it has largely faded away.

To open those old photos, you’ll need something like IrfanView, and you can save them as JPEGs to preserve those old files. I’ve been using it forever and highly recommend it.

Adam Curry: Sometimes I receive pictures from people on iPhones that have weird file extensions—like HEIC.

John C. Dvorak: Yes, that’s one of the new file formats. IrfanView likely has a plugin for that, as it’s the only program I’ve found that opens just about everything.

Adam Curry: I wonder what HEIC stands for.

John C. Dvorak: We could look it up, but why bother? Just remember, IrfanView is the tip of the day, everyone!

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