John C. Dvorak: My tip today is a product recommendation. It’s called Glary Utilities, a free tool that has been around for a while. I encouraged you to use it recently when you were having trouble with your machine. It’s very effective. You can also get an upgraded version, but the free version does a lot of great things. Just search for “Glary Utilities” on Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing. I highly recommend it.
Adam Curry: I was thinking about that. You mentioned it sped up your machine.
John C. Dvorak: It did! Another Glary product is outstanding, but when I tried to defrag my drive, it warned me that I might not want to because it’s an SSD. It said that defragmenting could decrease the lifespan of the drive.
Adam Curry: Yeah, that warning freaked me out a bit.
John C. Dvorak: Well, in the past, that was a valid concern because early SSDs had a limited lifespan due to the number of read/write cycles they could handle. However, today’s SSDs are much more reliable and can be used like traditional magnetic drives. The warning is just there in case you have an older SSD.