John C. Dvorak: So, I’ve got a device, and normally, you can get these things for pressure washers. If you have a pressure washer, you can buy these foaming devices. You attach them to the end of the washer, and it has a big container below that shoots foam on your car to clean it. But there’s also a low-pressure version that works with a regular garden hose.
Adam Curry: Oh, okay.
John C. Dvorak: It’s from a company called Foam King. You can find it at, and it’s probably available on Amazon. They have a product called the “King of Suds.” It’s a nozzle that connects to this device, with the foamer and a bottle of cleaning solution, and it works like a champ. Yesterday, Jay and I tested it out—well, actually on Wednesday. We washed our cars with it, and it worked great.
Adam Curry: Foam King, huh?
John C. Dvorak: Yep, Foam King. You can unhook the device easily with a click-on connection, and you’re left with a regular nozzle to rinse off the foam. You can even rub the car down if you need to. It’s really a nice product.
Adam Curry: I always need something with high pressure.
John C. Dvorak: You can also buy a pressure washer with this device.
Adam Curry: I want the cheaper stuff. What was it called again?
John C. Dvorak: The King of Suds from Foam King. You can find it at