John C. Dvorak: All right, here’s a screwball tip. If you have a mouse or rat problem, the latest thing now is using birth control for these pests.
Adam Curry: What?
John C. Dvorak: Yeah, it prevents them from reproducing, and the current generation dies off. The product is called Evolve for mice. You just look for “Evolve.” Mimi found this tip, and I thought it was interesting. People usually use traps or poison, but the problem with poison is that a hawk or another animal might eat the dying rodent and die too.
For those who are guilt-ridden about killing pests, this is a great alternative. There’s also another product called ContraPest, which is for rats. So if you want to get rid of vermin, and that includes deer for me—
Adam Curry: Vermin?
John C. Dvorak: No, this only works on rodents, making it one of the safer options out there.
Adam Curry: Wow, castrate your rats. Nice.