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Drop Stop

Drop Stop
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John C. Dvorak: I’m using a contributed tip, which I think is a great one. One of our producers sent this in. It’s a product you can get on Amazon and elsewhere.

Adam Curry: Oh, interesting. What’s it called?

John C. Dvorak: It’s called Drop Stop.

Adam Curry: Drop Stop?

John C. Dvorak: Yes, it’s a rubbery thing that you stick in your car between the seat and the console. It goes over the seat belt buckle area and keeps you from dropping stuff down that gap.

Here’s why I like this idea. A couple of years ago, I was eating an ice cream bar – you know, one of those with the wooden stick and ice cream on it.

Adam Curry: In your trusty old Lexus?

John C. Dvorak: Exactly. I always say I’m never going to eat food in the car, but I always do.

Adam Curry: Guilty as charged!

John C. Dvorak: Right, and this time, I did something wrong. I took a bite, and a chunk of ice cream fell off. As I was trying to catch it, I bumped it and knocked it straight down between the seat and the console.

Adam Curry: Oh no!

John C. Dvorak: Yep, and I thought, “Oh no,” as I saw the ice cream down there. I tried to dig it out, got my hand down the gap, and managed to get some of the ice cream with the chocolate coating. It made a huge mess. It was a disaster!

Adam Curry: That sounds like such a pain.

John C. Dvorak: It really was. And that’s why this product, Drop Stop, is the way to go. It would have saved me the hassle of dealing with that melted ice cream mess.

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