Too Many Eggs - the most comprehensive book on egg cookery ever written.

Check your thumb drive with ValiDrive

Check your thumb drive with ValiDrive

John C. Dvorak: I got a bunch of feedback on the last tip. And I want to…

Adam Curry: I thought people liked it. I saw people posting on X about it.

John C. Dvorak: Yeah, but the problem with that tip is that I could’ve topped it with something a little more close to home. Apparently, Steve Gibson…

Adam Curry: Oh, he always has some software, doesn’t he?

John C. Dvorak: Yeah, he has free software specifically for this purpose.

Adam Curry: Oh, really? I didn’t know.

John C. Dvorak: Yeah, I wanted to mention that. I just need to get the name of it. I forgot to print it out. But if you go to his website, Steve Gibson…

Adam Curry: Can someone in the trolls help us out real quick?

John C. Dvorak: It does the same thing by ensuring that your drive is real.…

Adam Curry:, Steve Gibson. Yeah, that’s the website.

John C. Dvorak: Yeah, go there. The software is called “ValiDrive”. I wanted to share that, since I’ve been backing off on some of these tips. This seems like a better way to go.

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