John C. Dvorak: “This is a follow-up to something I mentioned about two weeks ago. I talked about a foaming device you can attach to your hose, or you can get a more expensive one for your pressure washer.”
Adam Curry: “Right, this was for foaming up your car. A lot of people, including me, really liked that tip.”
John C. Dvorak: “Well, here’s the update. Mimi introduced me to a product that I’ve been using. I washed my car about two and a half weeks ago, and since then, not one speck of dust or dirt has stuck to it. I’ve never seen anything like this! My car is ceramic-coated, and it’s still as shiny as can be. The product is from a company called Chemical Guys, and I used their ‘Watermelon Snow Foam Auto Wash,’ which is pH neutral. It foams up nicely and has a list of ingredients that’s pretty impressive. These guys clearly know what they’re doing when it comes to cleaning products.”
Adam Curry: “Do you think they have something that can clean metal roofs, like the kind we have in Texas that get covered in tree sap and dust?”
John C. Dvorak: “It’s quite possible. They offer a wide range of products, and some of their ingredients are interesting, like benzene, which you don’t usually see in car wash products. It’s not something you’d want to drink, but it’s highly effective at removing stubborn grime. I’m still stunned by how clean my car is, and I probably won’t have to wash it again for months. If you’re looking for top-notch cleaning products, check out Chemical Guys. They clearly know their stuff.”