Adam Curry: “We’re all excited to hear what you’ve got lined up for us, John. What is your tip of the day?”
John C. Dvorak: “All right! These things cost about 12 bucks or so, and this is a tip for dog owners, especially if you have a medium or large dog. We’ve always had big dogs in the family. For example, we have a Fila Brasileiro, which is a huge, powerful dog.”
Adam Curry: “I’ve got a big dog too!”
John C. Dvorak: “Really? How big?”
Adam Curry: “Phoebe was 120 pounds, but we got her down to 99.”
John C. Dvorak: “That’s a big dog! You need this tip. It’s a bungee dog leash. You can find a few brands on Amazon. If you’ve got a big or even medium-sized dog and they lunge at something, this leash absorbs the shock. It won’t yank your arm out of its socket—it absorbs the initial pull and brings it back to normal. The bungee dog leash is one of the greatest products for dog owners. Once you use it, you’ll never go back. You won’t regret it.”
Adam Curry: “How far does it extend?”
John C. Dvorak: “There’s a six-foot version, and the bungee adds a couple of extra feet, but it doesn’t allow the dog to lunge too far, like some of those retractable leashes.”
Adam Curry: “This might be perfect for Tina. Our dog has some PTSD because she’s a rescue, and Tina could use something like this for walks.”
John C. Dvorak: “Tina will thank me for this recommendation! And the best part is, they’re not expensive.”
Adam Curry: “If Tina loves it, I’ll have her send you a personal thank you!”
John C. Dvorak: “Looking forward to it. There you go, everyone—get a bungee dog leash.”