John C. Dvorak: I decided to go with the most obscure thing I could come up with today—an antiseptic that’ll get people talking because the label tends to be in Russian. It’s a product you can look up on Wikipedia called “brilliant green.” It’s used in Ukraine and Russia for anything that happens to your skin. It kills all gram-negative bacteria, prevents flesh-eating bacteria, and kills staph infections.
Adam Curry: It kills staph infections? Normally you need antibiotics for that!
John C. Dvorak: Yeah, just put the stuff on it. The original tip came from my friend David Duncan, who lived in Ukraine for a couple of years. He got his hand impaled, and the doctor just put on this green stuff—what they call “green goo.”
Adam Curry: What’s the product name again?
John C. Dvorak: Brilliant green. It’s a dye.
Adam Curry: Wow, it dyes your skin?
John C. Dvorak: Yeah, it leaves a green stain that takes three or four days to wear off. But it’s very effective. If you can get it, talk to your Russian friends, because it’s so cheap that pharmaceutical companies won’t touch it—there’s no profit in it.