John: So, the tip of the day is a website.
Adam: Oh?
John: Yeah, an interesting one, I have to say. It could be really useful for anyone who’s on a budget or just looking for free alternatives to software.
Adam: Computing on a budget—Linux even?
John: Exactly. The website is called
Adam: Got it. I’m going to check it out.
John: Yeah, open it up, and you’ll see it lets you search for any software and find free or alternative versions of it.
Adam: For example?
John: Say you type in “Microsoft Word.”
Adam: Okay, “Microsoft Word”—and then what?
John: It gives you a whole list of alternative software options, complete with reviews and discussions.
Adam: Oh, that’s useful.
John: Yeah! Some of them I’d never even heard of, like LanguageTool and… Quiga?
Adam: Quiga?
John: Yeah, weird names, but you can find alternatives for almost anything—Photoshop, Office, whatever you need but don’t want to pay for.
Adam: So, it’s for cheap people?
John: Pretty much! But honestly, that should be everyone.
Adam: Yeah, no kidding. That’s actually a really useful site.
John: One of our producers, Zach, sent it to me. It reminded me that I need to update my personal portal with more resources like this.