John C. Dvorak: I’ve got a recommended website for buying stuff that competes with Amazon. I should have known about this sooner! They have everything you could possibly want—a shirt, underwear, a sports car, or even a robot lady.
Adam Curry: Hold on, this sounds too good to be true.
John C. Dvorak: It’s called AliExpress. It’s a competitor from Alibaba to Amazon, and it’s available worldwide. The EU is a bit freaked out about it, but you can find anything and some of the weirdest stuff you’ll ever see. They have every category imaginable, including a bionic beauty robot. That one is $6,900, but most items are incredibly affordable.
Adam Curry: Is the pricing competitive?
John C. Dvorak: Absolutely! For instance, I saw shirts for just $6 on the front page. Everything is dirt cheap—except for the bionic lady, which is probably still a bargain considering what it is. Plus, AliExpress offers free shipping on everything!